Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fun in the Sun (and the moon)

Some great things have been happening with our family. No, I have not yet found a job, but we are hopeful that out of the gazillion applications that I have turned in we will hear from someone shortly. Let me tell you about what has been going on in our part of the world. Well... Let me just show you. It is better than having me try to type everything out and then have it not grammatically correct. Thankfully I have a wonderful wife who is willing to get past all of the errors and has stuck by my side for the past 5 years. We're trying to beat the record for being married the longest but I think we are lacking a few years. Anyway here are some of the photos I was talking about.

Lilybug had a great time with Bali at the beach. She was able to make some interesting sand castles.

As you can see we have the more traditional mid-eastern European castle design to your right and then to the left it is a modern interpretation of the one to the right. Personally I think it looks like a volcano.

So tell me folks, how can you say no to a face like this? Really? For me it is simple, but for the rest of you that are smitten by his good looks and charm here is another picture for you.

As you can see, we are trying to help him understand the better arts before society brainwashes him. The only problem is that it only has four notes. It is kind of hard to play Beethoven's 9th symphony on that puppy. Believe me I've tried.

This is our family celebration for our 5th anniversary. We used to think this place was good but as you can see my expression on the far left we decided to not come back again. (maybe)

Remember when I was talking about me trying to find a job? Well Lil Joe wanted to help me out that day. Come to find out, all he wanted to do was chew on the cord, and reboot the hard drive. (I didn't let him)

Last Friday was special for us because our long time friends met up with us. We were married on the same day, in the same year but in different states. How we met was a funny story, but to protect the innocent and the non-innocent I will not bore you with the tale. Well... Maybe just a little story. One day my wife and I were sitting and she said, "Hey I know that person." I said "cool." Then we became friends.

The greatest thing about our friends is that they made a little friend for our daughter. As you can see, they are close.

Later that evening we went to a wedding reception and danced the night away. I had to help Lil Joe understand the fundamentals of dancing, but he got the hang of it.

Even Mommy got into it.

Sure there are people that can dance but there is only one Average Joe.

After that reception we thought it would be nice to go to another one so we did the next day. After twirling and hurling we came home and I decided to update this blog. So I hope that you all had a fun time reading and looking. I had a great time learning how to spell words that I did not know how to spell. Once again it is thanks to my wonderful wife that I'm able to do this. Thanks Sweety.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

I heart NY

The last two weeks have been fun and games. As we are sitting on the floor getting our butts kicked by Lilybug in Yahtzee, so I figured we could share some memories and pictures. (Dang it!! Lilybug just got a small straight. Now she is ahead again)

Last week Mommy's parents moved from their house in NY to their new home in UT. It was filled with lots and lots of tears. Not from us mind you, but from Grandma and Grandpa. To commemorate the move Lilybug and Lil Joe decided to wear something special.
As you can see, Lil Joe got caught trying to suck on his hand(and his sister's). I'm not sure where he gets that from but I know at least he knows what his hand is now.

Do you remember growing up and having that special couch? Well, in our case we have a special loveseat.
As you can see, Lilybug uses the loveseat as her personal bed when she is watching a movie. It is really funny because there is a Mommy seat and a Lilybug seat. But where is the Pappy seat? It is on the floor or that rocking chair.

Even Lil Joe is taking over the Love seat.
Oh well. At least he is cute when he is taking over.

Lilybug drew her name for the first time this past week.
As you can see, it is on the couch where she did this.

Lets not forget horse back riding on the couch.
Yeah... It was fun the first ten minutes but you get tired after a while. (As you can see on my face)

The garden has been giving us plenty of goodies this past week.
We have soo much that we are pickling them.
We'll see if they're any good tomorrow.

The last thing is our floor. It is funny because it seems like I spend more time on the floor than on the couch. (That is not a marriage joke, just an observation.) I have to say though that many of us like the floor. Just look at this guy.
So happy and care free on the floor. It also serves as a sleeping area.

Well, in the end I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I did. Take care,


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Potty charts, bruises and first haircuts

First off I have to congratulate my little girl Lilybug. After so many months she has filled up her potty chart. By filled I mean... wait, maybe this will help.
I'm so happy for her. She has come a long way from diapers to now. Of course we have had that chart up for over a year and it was full at the 8 month mark. Lilybug just realized today that she hadn't put any stickers on for a while. What a champ!!!!

Now on to the bruises. Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to go spend some quality man time with my man friends. (a.k.a. Paintballing) Throughout the entire morning Ryan kept telling me he was hungry for a shot at me. I was happy for the first part of the day because I was on the same team as him. Then in the final round we did what the other team didn't think of. We all ran around the right of the cover and took them by surprise. Unfortunately Ryan was on the other team and I was the decoy in the front. Lo and behold Ryan was able to get a shot in and nailed me in the side hitting my rib. At first it didn't hurt but now it is a little tender.  A word of advice; when playing paintball always wear something that will cover every part of your body. It does not matter if you're sweating profusely it will be better than this:
That is my arm. I took off my sweater for one round and I regret it. So please heed the warning from someone who has been there and done that. Also paintball paint is a mixture of soap and some other foul substance so please don't eat it. (Another experience)

Now it is time to talk about Lil Joe.
That is him.

He got his first hair cut. Here are some pics for you of before, during, and after.

And there you have it folks. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Splish Splash!

Last week we had fun. How much fun you may ask? Well let me show you.
There's Lilybug and me climbing the slide.
Lilybug was scared about going down so I went with her.

And then...
Good times for some...
But not for all.

The funny thing about life is that sometimes it is like a water slide. We head to the top ready for what is going to happen but then once you get to the top you think that maybe it's not a good idea. Suddenly you realize your heading down to the end. You're screaming and then you're at the bottom. You suddenly realize that it is all over and you think to yourself, "That wasn't so bad." Then we get back up and we go back up the slide again.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A lot of you have probably, maybe, kind of, well... I guess many of you are not that worried or wondering about what is happening. I'll tell you anyways. We have a garden. (If you can't tell from the photo) Mommy has been amazing with keeping it in order.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Road Trip Part 1

Why hello my fellow fans. On behalf of the Averag3 family I have the task to inform you that we were able to travel great distances to see the famous "Red Rock of Moab." Also we went to visit Mommy's fam. Here is the first part of our incredible adventure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is pollution? Bad or good?

I remember as a little child watching various shows that informed us that we should not throw stuff into the water because it will come back and bite you. I guess after this week my thoughts have changed. (A little bit)

We went to the beach to visit Bali and Grand Pappy.  Here is the proof that we did.

The photos that I promised are better quality than what I had on the video. It's not my fault that they camera will only focus before I record.

The first one is of the plastic cup mussel habitat.

When I first saw this I was like "Whoa!!!! What is going on here?"

Then to my surprise I saw something else that washed up to the shore.



Are you telling me that a Sunny Delight bottle that was in the ocean can help with the bio system? Please inform me oh great scientists.

I'm not saying that everything that falls into the ocean is good, but to make the statement that if our human products get thrown into the ocean life as we know it will end. This just proves that people need to open their closed eyes and accept the fact that nature knows what it is doing. (I'm getting off of my soap box now)